Are Your Steps taking You in the Right Direction?
Think about what happens when a new year begins. Many people are ready to kick the dust off the previous year and leap into the new year with new hopes, dreams, goals, and wishes. Nearly everyone, either publicly proclaimed or secretly withheld, comes up with new year’s resolutions and a promise to themselves that this time they’re going to keep them. I believe that 99% give up on these whimsical goals by the end of January and the remaining 1% by the time February’s over. Have you ever wondered why? This happens like clockwork year after year. This same pattern occurs year after year almost providing us with a comfort zone of coming up with bigger and better resolutions knowing that we never intend to actually keep them. Dang…what to do?
Would you consider a different approach that has a track record of working well nearly 100% of the time? It’s a unique perspective that will have you battling the things you’ve been taught throughout your life. You know, things like reach for the stars, dream big, create audacious goals, shoot the moon, and go big or stay at home. The lasting value of all of those tends to be measured in minutes. The unique perspective I’m offering is not only simple, but its lasting value will also be measured by however long the rest of your life is.
The statement I’m about to make is so powerful and profound, you may want to either write it down or memorize it. Here it is: THE STEPS YOU TAKE DON’T NEED TO BE BIG; THEY JUST NEED TO TAKE YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. Yes…it really is that simple. It’s the longest-lasting pathway to success that has been utilized successfully by people that have pursued worthy goals. Thomas Edison is famously quoted as saying, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." This quote is often used to illustrate his persistence and determination in the face of numerous unsuccessful attempts, particularly in the development of the electric light bulb. While the exact number of "failures" isn't documented, it's clear that Edison went through many trials and errors before achieving success. What Edison mastered was small steps in the right direction which led to “large leap discoveries” over the course of time.
When my parents were alive, a movie that they loved to watch repeatedly was “What About Bob?” It made them laugh out loud. The movie is about a troubled but lovable therapy patient who fears everything. His therapist, in an attempt to help him overcome his fears, suggest adopting the thought process of “Baby Steps.” He cautioned about big leaps and sweeping change and suggested that his patient simply approach everything with Baby Steps that move in a positive direction. I learned something from watching that movie and find myself reverting to Baby Step Mentality whenever I’m frustrated with the speed of getting to where I want to be. Might that sound familiar?
We all live in an era where seemingly everything we want is available to us near instantaneously. You can order something online, and have it arrive at your front door that very same day. They could be handing out patience for free and not have any takers. Who needs patience in a society that features instant gratification for most of our needs. The greatest challenge is that instant gratification isn’t an option for the things we often desire the most. Losing weight, repairing broken relationships, quitting drugs or alcohol, eating healthier, working out and getting in shape, getting a raise or promotion at work, being a caretaker for a loved one, graduating from high school, a trade school, or college, learning a foreign language, creating a budget, volunteering more, curbing our spending on non-essentials. All of these require dedication over a long period of time. That’s how focusing on baby steps in the right direction can be the surest method of getting us to where we want to be over time.
Yes, it’s a very simplistic plan, but it really works. And if you try it to acquire the things you really care about and you begin to falter, here’s some additional encouragement. My number one takeaway from the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear was learning how to use the power of streaks. It involves using some type of calendar or chart to record, and keep track of, each day you take a step in a positive direction for anything you’re trying to accomplish. Baby steps count. By counting the number of days in a row you make progress you create a streak. If you falter and miss a day, you simply begin a new streak and see if you can top the old streak. Celebrate each new streak. Never worry if a streak ends. Begin a new streak the very next day.
Honestly, I have been successfully utilizing these thought processes for years. They’ve helped me lose weight, improve my health, recover from cancer, springboard a writing career, deepen friendships and relationships, increase my volunteering, and more. That’s why I’m so excited to share this with YOU today. If you choose to embrace what I’ve written here, IT CAN BE LIFE CHANGING IN A POSITIVE WAY. So get busy right now. Decide what you truly want, utilize the techniques and strategies I’ve shared with you in this article, and take your first baby step to the life you desire. You can do this! How do I know? Because, HEY…I Believe In YOU! GiddyUp!