Entitlement vs. Privilege: Part II

This week’s syndicated column “Define Perfect” is published in the following Michigan and Illinois newspapers and digital publications: Midland Daily News, The Edwardsville Intelligencer, Huron Daily Tribune, Jacksonville Journal-Courier, Manistee News Advocate, and Big Rapids Pioneer. The article is a continuation of my article “Entitlement vs. Privilege: Part I” and focuses on how mastering the natural state of privilege can help guide your life. Read the full article below.

Did you finish the 10 minutes of homework I assigned in last week’s column? If you did, well done! You can skip ahead to the next paragraph. If not, you may have missed what could be one of your “top ten best spent 10 minutes of your life” experiences. So, pause reading this article and go to YouTube. In the search box type: Kirk Cousins kickoff luncheon speech. Select the one that’s listed as about 7:55 minutes long. Hit play. You’ll never regret doing this, so do it…right now…c’mon…you are worth doing this. Afterwards, come back and finish this life changing article.

What a profound thought process Kirk Cousins shared with us in the video I asked you to watch. His focus was directed at being an athlete and football player in the Big 10 conference, but when I first watched it, it became apparent to me that the thought process could be utilized in every single aspect of our life. Everything can be viewed from a position of privilege. Everything!

Laundry? It’s a privilege to have clothes that I can clean and prepare for the next time I wear them. Food? It’s a privilege to have resources that allow me to satisfy my hunger and to be able to choose things to eat that I like. A place to call home? It’s a privilege to have heat, electricity, running water and protection from the elements. Can you believe the selection that we’re offered at a grocery store? Privilege! Access to a vehicle? Privilege! Access to the internet? Privilege! A computer to access the internet with? Privilege! Cell phone? Privilege! Ability to access an airline and fly anywhere in the world? Privilege! Clean drinking water? Privilege! Ability to afford eating in a restaurant? Privilege! Ability to purchase all the things we choose to buy? Privilege!

Here's a profound life lesson. Go back to the previous paragraph and substitute the word “entitlement” every time you encounter the word “privilege” and see how it reads. Many in our current society seemed overly focused on taking advantage of everything they’re entitled to. Now, go back to that same paragraph and substitute the word “joy” every time you encounter the word “privilege” and see how it reads. Do you see the connection between the words privilege and joy? When you see everything in life as a privilege, you naturally see the good and find the joy. When you pursue life with a feeling of entitlement, it's nearly impossible to be happy. In fact, it’s nearly impossible for any experience to live up to the expectations that entitlement creates, thus leaving people in a state of unacceptableness. Flip the coin over and you’ll discover that it’s nearly impossible for any experience not to bring pure joy when a person views it from the privilege perspective.

Now, I’ll admit to possessing a little Missouri (the Show-Me State) attitude from time to time and, lo and behold, I found two prime examples of how a privilege mentality can work when I was watching the movie Monsters, Inc. There’s one scene where Mike Wazowski knows he’s in a TV commercial and when he watches it for the first time, his image is completely covered by a logo. At first, you think he’s going to be totally disappointed but instead he celebrates the privilege of being in a commercial (On YouTube, search: Monsters Inc. Mike’s commercial scene). The same thing happens when he’s on the cover of a magazine. When he first sees the cover, his likeness is completely covered by the barcode and again, he is overjoyed at the privilege of being on the cover of a magazine even though no one can tell it’s even him (On YouTube, search: I can’t believe it Monsters Inc.). But face it…that’s a movie, not real life.

In real life, I found the example in my friend Jon who, having been born with spina bifida, spent the first 20 years of his life in a state institution. Growing up in an institution was a painful experience. Upon being reunited with society, he saw every facet of life as a privilege. Jon quickly became a professional pleasure drawer, effortlessly drawing more pleasure out of whatever he was experiencing than anyone else I have ever known. Jon never experienced entitlement because he never took anything for granted. The smallest things that mean nothing to most of us were overwhelming privileges to Jon: Clean clothes, choosing what to eat, eating in a restaurant, being able to watch whatever he wanted on TV, personal privacy, transportation options, friendships, attending sporting events, art fairs, plays, nature centers, libraries, church, potluck dinners and more. You see, Jon communicated that he saw everything as a privilege through the joy he exhibited to anyone privileged enough to witness the way Jon processed everything. It was joy in its purest form.

And the great news is that you can experience that same joy by adopting the feeling of everything in life being a privilege…including the things you used to view as your own personal entitlement.

So, in last week's column, Entitlement vs. Privilege:Part 1, I said I’d be offering a solution that can work, every time, in less than a second…that can be utilized the rest of your life…and I just did. Since I think we all have a little Missouri attitude from time to time, I’ll admit this privilege mentality is something that you really need to prove to yourself. So, I’m asking you to take it out for a test drive for just one single day and see what you think. I already know what the outcome’s going to be, so the real question becomes, "If it worked so well the first time, why don’t you just adopt the privilege mentality as a tool to be used every day for the rest of your life?"

Entitlement may try to creep back in your life from time to time, and if it does, just squash it while yanking the joy that privilege brings out of your back pocket until you master the natural state of privilege guiding your life. Then you’re ready for the ultimate joy experience: sharing this strategy with others. Please note that when you master this solution for your own life, I’m asking you to share it with others. Lots of others. And you’ll want to share it. Why? Because after experiencing its positive impact on every area of your life, you’ll very naturally want to share what’s happened with everyone who will listen. Especially the people that mean the most to you and your life. So consider yourself asked. It’s time to GiddyUp!

In addition to being a syndicated columnist in the midwest, Paul White is an author, motivational and inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, podcaster, and life coach located in Midland, Michigan. He offers self-help and culture development to start your journey towards consistent growth and joy. If you’re interested in getting in touch with Paul, please submit an inquiry via our Contact Page.


Define Perfect


Entitlement vs. Privilege: Part I