Why isn't EVERYONE utilizing faith as a life tool?

Paul White's nationally distributed syndicated column, Unleashing the power of the word...YET! is published in 22 publications across seven states. This includes the following newspapers and digital publications: Midland Daily News (MI), SFGate (CA), Seattle PI (WA), Connecticut Post (CT), Laredo Morning Times (TX), Huron Daily Tribune (MI), The Telegraph (IL), and more. In this week's article, Paul shares tips on embracing a simple but profound three-letter word (yet) and how to become a Professional Hope Provider to others.

It was when I was listening to some Tony Robbins CDs a couple of decades ago, that he shared a phrase that caused me to stop, rewind, replay it, and then think deeply about what it could mean.

That short phrase changed my life that day and has had a powerful positive impact on every area of my life ever since.

The life-changing phrase is “Faith is the antidote to Fear.”

My commitment to that phrase continues to grow as I share it with others every chance I get (including right now).

I italicized the word antidote because it commands attention and emphasis to the words on either end of the phrase.

If there were an antidote for cancer, you’d take it wouldn’t you? Same for diabetes, right? How about Crohn’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, asthma and other diseases? Seems like it would be foolish not to secure and administer the antidote if indeed one was available.

The prior list represents some of the medical things we fear. What other areas of our life do we allow fear to control us? Financial fear, relationship fear, addictions fear, job security fear, paying the bills on time fear, housing stability, vehicle reliability, and dreams we have in our heart that may never come true.

What about fear of snakes, clowns, heights, flying, drowning, losing, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), being excluded, discriminated against, bullied, treated poorly, and more?

It concerns me that you may have a distracting, and incorrect, thought going through your head right now.

If you’re asking yourself, “Is Paul going all religion on me?” you are missing the powerful lesson that I’m offering today.

Open up your mind for a few minutes, and I’ll fill it with a Life Tool that can improve, enhance, and amplify every area of your life.

Picture a brick doorway that has an arch at the top. There is pressure on the top center block, called a capstone, from all of the bricks making up the arch that would fall inward if not for the solidness, strength, and resilience that the capstone provides. Imagine that each brick contained in the arch represents an important piece of your life and is labeled as so.

Your health, relationships, employment, financial, faith, parents, spouse, children, fitness, education, friendships, activities you enjoy, travel, housing, transportation access (vehicle), food, and character are each a brick in the arch held stable and firmly in place by the capstone.

Many individuals in today’s culture have the label identifying the capstone, our block that holds ALL the rest of our bricks (life) together, with the word ME.

ME, the capstone, has total control over every area of my life (each brick in the arch) along with the responsibility for all decisions that concern each area. This strategy can work great until…until…until something happens to ME. Terminal illness, debilitating accident, fired or downsized from job, divorce, loss of a loved one, financial ruin, addition to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, family member with Alzheimer’s or a disability. All these things can cause ME to crumble and if I’m the capstone, every other brick of my life crumbles down because the capstone (ME) isn’t there to support the weight and pressure that all the other areas (bricks) of my life represent.

Faith, in my mind, represents total belief in something bigger, smarter, stronger, and better than ME. For me, placing my faith in God has proven to be the life tool that has successfully navigated me through the toughest of personal storms and challenges. You see, rather than having ME being the identity of my arch’s capstone, I use GOD as my capstone. That way if I begin to crumble under the stresses from any area (brick) of my life, my capstone always holds the rest of the bricks in my arch together allowing me, with God’s help, to repair and heal any storm or challenge to a life brick through the utilization of Faith.

I tried using ME as my capstone. It didn’t work well.

Once I pursued having Faith in a being that was bigger, smarter, stronger, and better than ME, namely God, then using my Faith in God as my capstone, my life immediately and dramatically improved. I discovered that having my capstone at the center of every decision I made for each of arch’s brick’s allowed me to eliminate all fear and worry. Even if I made a mistake or faced something that seemed insurmountable, my life arch remained intact. I prove every day that Faith is indeed the antidote to fear.

OK, the last paragraph had some religious tones in it. Why? Because I’ve witnessed how the pursuit of Faith in God can work successfully…as a life tool…to eliminate the fears that disrupt our lives. And please don’t try to pick apart a particular religion. I’m pretty sure God is willing to take any path to occupy a place in your mind and your heart. You can make your faith your own.

The important part is having complete belief in something that is bigger than you. Someone you can turn the toughest stuff over to. Don’t use yourself as the capstone. Pursue faith. Utilize faith. Eliminate fear by embracing faith. And just…just…just take SOME kind of action and create a life arch, without you as the capstone, that can withstand anything this world can throw at you. 

Faith can be your most powerful life tool. Remember, Faith is the antidote to fear! Now, GiddyUp!

In addition to being a nationally syndicated columnist, Paul White is an author, motivational and inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, podcaster, and life coach located in Midland, Michigan. His new book, “The Answer Discovery – How to Change the World by Helping Others…and Ourselves,” is available to purchase today. If you’re interested in getting in touch with Paul, please submit an inquiry via our Contact Page.


You can stop it right now! I’m serious!


Indecision stinks! So, why are we all afflicted with it?