When complaining, do you offer a solution?

Paul White’s nationally syndicated column, “When complaining, do you offer a solution?, is published in 22 publications across seven states. This includes the following Michigan and Illinois newspapers and digital publications: Midland Daily News, The Edwardsville Intelligencer, Huron Daily Tribune, Jacksonville Journal-Courier, Manistee News Advocate, and Big Rapids Pioneer. This week’s article focuses on the unique gift we all possess to tackle, and then offer, solutions to the things we complain about the most.

When complaining, do you offer a solution? If I were to answer "no" to that question, I’d be correct 99% of the time because our complaining has become routine for all of us. Problem solving wasn’t part of our K-12 education curriculum. (Well, maybe story problems in math.) Complaining has become fun, almost a pastime, and solutions take critical thinking and hard work.

We’re all capable of critical thinking and hard work but isn’t it so much easier to let someone else do that? Complaining is one of the simplest and most entertaining things we can do with what appears to be an endless amount of spare time each day. But what if each of us fired up that competitive spirit that dwells within us and attempted to be the first one to offer a well-thought-out solution? Now that’s worth exploring.

What are we up against? Complaining brings us instant attention from anyone we’re complaining to. It also provides a sense of instant significance, even if it’s short-lived. While we’re ranting and raving, someone must be listening…or so we believe. Anyone utilizing social media to complain draws segmented pleasure whenever someone hits the "like" button or makes a comment either for or against. It signifies being heard which is the ultimate goal.

It also gives a person free reign to complain to their heart's desire without any accountability nor responsibility to solve what they’re complaining about. Now it takes on the form of gaming, or sport. And those are fun, right? At least they appear to be in the short term – the very short term. Strange, isn’t it? Complaining is simple, short term, and doesn’t offer any lasting impact.

Solutions take time, involves thought, invokes trial and error theory creation, and some form of evidence that can be used to influence others that your solution is, indeed, the best path forward. That’s why everyone complains and no one solutions. One’s simple and the other is hard…or is it?

“Hey, I believe in you!” is a comment I make to a lot of people that I may or may not know. This is because I’ve come to realize that all most people need to tap into their “inner-awesomeness” is the belief that someone else cares about them and believes in their potential. Then they can own their awesomeness. While I recognize that a person’s potential is unique to them, I celebrate that uniqueness because that means there isn’t a solution out there that someone can’t figure out and share with the rest of the world. For the really big problems, all that needs to occur is grouping people together and leveraging their combined “uniqueness's” to create universal solutions that benefit everyone. While it’s hard to comprehend an infinite universe, it’s more challenging to wrap your head around how much genius exists when you combine the nearly 8 billion people that inhabit the earth. Now that's something we can all believe in.

I came upon a funny saying recently: "Potatoes make french fries, chips and vodka. It’s like the other vegetables aren’t even trying." When I hear others complaining without offering a solution that they took time to deeply think about, my first thought is: You have a wonderful brain capable of genius thoughts, problem solving capabilities, love, compassion and so much more. It’s like you’re not even trying. C’mon, I believe in you.

You have the ability to change the world with how you think. There is no other person in the past, in the present, nor will there ever be a person in the future that possesses the gifts that are unique only to you. Don’t let those gifts sit idle. Slam down the accelerator and live the fullness of the life that you are destined for. Don’t let complaining define your life. Pursue utilization of “who you are” to offer solutions that will define how others perceive you.

Okay, that sounds a little preachy and honestly, I’m fine with that, if it makes you think about what a gift your mind is not only to yourself, but to the rest of the world. So don’t get all worked up and start complaining about what I’ve written here. I’m asking you to pause, consider the awesomeness of your brain and all the capability your brain offers you as fellow human on this here earth, and start knocking out some solutions. It’s really not as hard as you might think when you push the complaining off to the side and focus on the solution.

If you’re still pondering the true value of offering solutions rather than complaining, I’d like to offer some encouragement in a quote from Nat Friedman that has worked well for me: “Better to get your dopamine from improving your ideas than from having them validated.” That quote is a really good solution (and I had to read it three times to fully embrace the point being made).

So, will you free yourself from all the stress and anxiety placed upon yourself from complaining? Will you venture down the path of solutions that your brain was intended for? I sure hope so.

I’m really excited about the world that could be if we could eliminate the “time-waste” of complaining and lift high the potential that solutions offer. Maybe we could pass a law that says: Every complaint must immediately be followed by an honest attempt at a solution for what the person is complaining about. If said person fails to follow every complaint with a solution attempt, they are immediately placed in a time-out and forced to sit in the nearest corner until they come up with a legitimately thought-out solution. I wonder how social media would react to that (not that I’m complaining).

The bottom line is I believe in each and every one of you! I believe in your uniqueness and what that uniqueness offers to the world. It’s time to GiddyUp and start offering solutions to the world (like those math story problems taught us to do). It promises to be an adventure none of us will want to miss!

In addition to being a syndicated columnist in the midwest, Paul White is an author, motivational and inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, podcaster, and life coach located in Midland, Michigan. He offers self-help and culture development to start your journey towards consistent growth and joy. If you’re interested in getting in touch with Paul, please submit an inquiry via our Contact Page.


If the impact is great, pursue!


Are you a fountain or a drain?